Wills & Probate

It is important to make a Will and to review and update your Will on a regular basis.

A Will enables you to appoint an Executor to deal with your affairs after your death, it allows you to distribute your Estate in accordance with your wishes, it allows you to take into account inheritance tax considerations and dwelling house relief. Making a Will can avoid disputes, misunderstandings and confusion after your death.

At Jones Magee Solicitors, we also discuss with clients related matters, including entering into an Enduring Power of Attorney or making an Advanced Healthcare Directive.

After a death, we provide a professional service to executors by applying for probate or letters of administration intestate, explaining all steps that need to be taken and ensuring that the estate is administered in a timely and professional manner and that all taxes are paid without interest costs or penalties

We provide the following services:

  • Preparing and Reviewing Wills.

  • Extracting Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration Intestate.

  • Setting up and administering Family Trusts.

  • Tax Planning.

  • Advising family members of their rights under the Succession Act 1965.

Wills & Probate


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